5 Signs it’s Time to Rebrand

If you’re like me, I feel like every time I open Instagram I see another business announcing a rebrand. Especially at the start of the new year. While it’s such an exciting time for those businesses, it can make other founders wonder “Does my business need a rebrand?”

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love the excitement behind rebrands and obsess over all the fun details that usually come with a rebrand announcement. It’s no question why rebranding may seem like a trendy thing to do for your business. But, as shiny and exciting and fun a rebrand seems, it’s important to figure out if a rebrand would benefit your business, and (most importantly) why.

Now before we jump into these 5 signs it’s time to rebrand, I wanted to make an important note regarding rebranding in general: A rebrand doesn’t have to be a drastic change. It can be something as simple as a shift in strategy that may not need a complete outward overhaul. It’s important to keep what’s currently working for your business and what currently connects with your audience, and refine the rest from there.

With that said, let’s dive in!

5 signs it’s time to rebrand:

1. Your current branding doesn’t feel aligned with your vision or value.

Do you feel like you’ve outgrown your current brand? Maybe you DIY’d your strategy or visuals up to this point, or your business has grown or shifted to the point where the branding you started with doesn’t align with the vision or value that your business currently offers.

This is the perfect time to rebrand — not only will you feel more aligned with your brand direction and visuals, but the strategic alignment will resonate with your audience, too. Win win.

2. You want to better differentiate yourself from your competition.

Are you having a hard time making your business stand out in your industry’s competitive landscape? Do you have a hard time conveying what makes your business unique, and why someone should go with your product or service rather than another?

A rebrand can be beneficial moment to take a step back and refine who you are speaking to and why your product or service is unparalleled in your industry. Then, you will have a much easier time convincing customers that you are the obvious choice (and trust me, if your branding is aligned with your audience, they’ll gravitate towards your business every time).

3. You want to raise the price of your product / service (or, receive less objections to your pricing).

One of the instant ways to gain a return on any rebranding investment is being able to raise your prices without audience pushback (or, to receive less objections to your pricing). This is due to the fact that appearances matter, and there are many examples that back up the value of a strong brand presence (think: any designer brand).

When you have a streamlined, consistent, premium brand, the value of what you offer seemingly skyrockets*.* And if you rebrand with the goal of raising your prices, you’ll be able craft your messaging and copy to align with that price point and the audience that will value your product or service the most.

4. You’re struggling to attract your ideal client.

Do you feel like your brand isn’t resonating with the client you’re wanting to attract? Perhaps you get a consistent flow of leads, but they’re not who you dream of working with? Chances are, your current branding isn’t resonating with them enough.

A rebrand can help you reevaluate your current marketing strategy, messaging, and visuals, and with the goal of attracting your ideal client at the forefront of the rebrand, you’ll be able to refine your presence to speak directly to them and gain more aligned leads.

5. You’re ready to grow your business.

For founders looking to scale their business and take their brand to the next level, a rebrand is the perfect tool to align your strategy, refine your visuals, and build a truly premium brand that gets your business to where you want it to go.

If none of these points resonate with you, and you’re currently seeing the success that you want to see, then chances are you’re doing something right with your brand. Congrats, and keep moving forward! However, if any of these points resonate with you, then it’s time to consider rebranding and the benefits it could provide to your business.

Ready to rebrand?

Working with a brand consultant can help you dive deep into your current branding and help you figure out what the right path is for you based on your goals. Click below to learn more about how I help my clients elevate their brands:


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